1st Street


433 E. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 433 E. 1st Street, lots 1-3, block 25, in Salida, Colorado. This building was erected between 1895 and 1902. The 1903-04 city directory indicated that this was a boarding house operated by Maggie Pennington. Mrs. Pennington (b.1863) continued to run the boarding house until at least 1911-12. Harry L. Pennington, a student, and Charles Symes, a machinist for Denver & Rio Grande lived here in 1903. In 1906, the following people boarded here: Paul Moore, a helper; Harry Pennington, a laborer; Roy L. Rickman, an oiler for D&RG; and Charles Edgar Williamson (1861-1920), a helper for D&RG. In 1911-12, the only other person listed here besides Mrs. Pennington was Harry Pennington, now employed as a timekeeper. Robert M. and Cora E. Davidson lived here by 1931. By this point, Cora Davidson was renting furnished rooms here. There was no occupation listed for Robert Davidson (b.1862), who was born in Illinois. Cora was born in Kansas in 1874. The Davidsons had four children: George M., John A., Mildred, and Doris E. In 1920, the family had lived in Nathrop, Colorado, where they ran a general farm. In 1951, David J. and E. Fern Williams lived here. Mr. Williams was employed with the U.S. Army. Viola M. Peterson also lived here, working as a nurse at the railroad hospital. Occupant Irene Jackson, an x-ray technician, also worked at D&RGW Hospital. Kedric F. Smith, a carman for D&RGW also lived here, with his wife Doreen. Also living here was G.A. Connell, who was retired, and his wife Jessie. In 1965, this building was owned by Donald R. and Barbara J. Bess and was known as the Atwood Apartments. Five persons were listed as residents of the apartment building, as well as Mr. and Mrs. Bess and their four children. History Colorado's Architectural Inventory Forms have more information and are available at the Salida Library.
433 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 433 W. 1st Street, lot 9, block 18, in Salida, Colorado.
437 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 437 W. 1st Street, lots 10-11, block 18, in Salida, Colorado.
438 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 438 W. 1st Street, lot 17, block 7, in Salida, Colorado.
439 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 439 W. 1st Street, lots 12 & 13, block 18, in Salida, Colorado.
440 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 440 W. 1st St., lot 14 & 19' of 15, block 7, in Salida, Colorado. This is 444 W. 1st Street.
440 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 440 W. 1st Street, lot 16 & 5' of 15, block 7, in Salida, Colorado.
502 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 502 W. 1st Street, lots 25-26, block 8, in Salida, Colorado.
510 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 510 W. 1st Street, lot 24, block 8, in Salida, Colorado.
519 1/2 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 519 1/2 W. 1st Street, lots 1-6, block 17, in Salida, Colorado.
519 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 519 W. 1st Street, lots 1-6, block 17, in Salida, Colorado.
519 W. 1st Street
Real estate appraisal card. 519 W. 1st Street, lots 3-4, block 17, in Salida, Colorado.
