A collection of over a thousand historic photographs, from 1910-2005, that cover a cross-section of campus activities, events, people, and architecture here at Western.
Intramural Football
1950s intramural football action on the field southwest of Escalante Heights and southeast of Mountaineer Gymnasium.
Intramural Football
Men's intramural football action on the field west of the new Student Union, late 1950s. The Student Union, Clubhouse, Highland Village, and a corner of the original Library building are seen in the background.
Irene Sweetkind, president of the Board of Trustees, shakes hands with the latest WSC graduate on stage in Wright Gymnasium,...
Irene Sweetkind, president of the Board of Trustees, shakes hands with the latest WSC graduate on stage in Wright Gymnasium, late 1970s., [Irene Sweetkind, Board of Trustees, probably late 1970s or early 1980s.
Olive Gifford, tuba -- foreground
Paul Zahradka -- near side of platform] cw