Western Historical Photograph Collection

A collection of over a thousand historic photographs, from 1910-2005, that cover a cross-section of campus activities, events, people, and architecture here at Western.


Irrigation is in full summer swing west of Taylor Hall, circa early 1940s.
Irrigation is in full summer swing west of Taylor Hall, circa early 1940s.
It looks like the Mountaineers are on their way to defeat Western Montana's Bulldogs at WSC's 1992 Homecoming game.
It looks like the Mountaineers are on their way to defeat Western Montana's Bulldogs at WSC's 1992 Homecoming game.
Jay Peck
Gunnison community member Jay Peck was ever-present in his miniature Model-T at WSC home games, tossing small footballs into the crowd and generally stirring up fun., [Jay Peck ca. 1995] cw
John C. Johnson, Biology instructor and football team fullback, 1912
John C. Johnson, Instructor in Biological Science and fullback on Colorado State Normal School's (now Western Colorado University) first football team, September 1912. Johnson writes, "We beat Montrose Town Team 6 to 0."
John Keating (?) and two women explore the mountainous countryside, circa 1922.
[John C. Johnson handwriting] cw, Superintendent John Keating (?) and two women explore the mountainous countryside, circa 1922. John C. Johnson photo and notes.
Judy Hagaman in "Boots and Burros" production, 1959.
[Judy Hagaman 1959 Curecanti, p. 218] cw, Judy Hagaman in "Boots and Burros" production. "Boots and Burros" was part of a "Rush To The Rockies" celebration, 1959.
Julia Jackson and a friend ride the rope tow up Cupola Hill, mid 1950s.
Julia Jackson and a friend ride the rope tow up Cupola Hill, mid 1950s.
Kappa Delta Mu float in the 1954 Homecoming parade
["Second prize in the Homecoming parade, Kappa Delta Mu" -- 1955 Curecanti, p. 125] crw, Sven Wiik's 1954 ski team members were the stars of the Kappa Delta Mu float. Their 'Mountain Dewins' skit was quite popular.
Kaye Howe and Sherryl Peterson Riding in the Homecoming Parade
[With Cheryl Peterson] cw, Kaye Howe and Sherryl Peterson Riding in the Homecoming Parade, ca. 1995.
