A collection of over a thousand historic photographs, from 1910-2005, that cover a cross-section of campus activities, events, people, and architecture here at Western.
- A new Hurst Hall classroom, circa 1962.
- A new Hurst Hall physics laboratory, circa 1962.
- A new Western student checks in south of Mears complex, 1994.
- A picnic is enjoyed by the campus community southwest of Mountaineer Gymnasium (Wright Gymnasium) in 1955.
- A pole vaulter attempts to clear the bar in Mountaineer Bowl track and field competition, 1957.
- A prize-winning float on Main Street, 1958 Western Homecoming.
- A professor's office in Kelley Hall, circa 1957.
- A quartet entertains the Western Centennial Downtown crowd, April 16, 2001.
- A recording technician is set up to record one of Western's Music Camp performances
- A referee watches closely in Mountaineer Gymnasium wrestling action, 1968.
- A rowdy bunch of WSC basketball supporters ("The Zoo") cheer on the Mountaineers in Wright Gymnasium, ca. 1993.
- A secretarial science class in Taylor Hall, mid-1940s.