A collection of over a thousand historic photographs, from 1910-2005, that cover a cross-section of campus activities, events, people, and architecture here at Western.
- Portrait of President Charles Clinton Casey, ca. 1935
- Portrait of President Grant Venn, ca. 1961.
- Portrait of President J. Gilbert Hause, ca. 1985
- Portrait of President John Mellon, ca. 1975.
- Portrait of President Samuel Quigley, ca. 1927
- Portrait of WSC president James Herbert Kelley, 1927President of Western State College 1913-1918
- Post game, Angelo State, December 19, 1978. The Mountaineers lost this 1978-79 NAIA D-I - Semifinals game 3-35.
- Post game, Angelo State, December 19, 1978. The Mountaineers lost this 1978-79 NAIA D-I - Semifinals game 3-35.
- Post-Commencement Activities
- Post-game at Mountaineer Bowl
- Powder Puff Football
- Powder Puff Football