Carl Johnson Collection


Storefront, San Luis Valley (?)
Photographer unknown
Sugar Beet Field, San Luis Valley (?)
Attributed to O.T. Davis. In pencil at the top left on the back of the image: sugar beets
Sugar Beet Harvest, San Luis Valley
Attributed to O.T. Davis. In purple ink at center left on the back of the image: FORD'S, DENVER, COLO.
Sugar Beet Harvest, San Luis Valley
Attributed to O.T. Davis.
Sugar Beet Harvest, San Luis Valley
Attributed to O.T. Davis.
Sugar Beet Harvest, San Luis Valley
In image at lower right: O T DAVIS NO. 2160
Sugar Beet Harvest, San Luis Valley (?)
In image at lower right: O.T. DAVIS PHOTO No 1935
Sugar-Beets. Mosca. Colo.
In image at lower right: SUGAR- BEETS. MOSCA. Colo. O.T. DAVIS PHOTO No. 1242
Sugar-Beets. Mosca. Colo.
In image at lower right: SUGAR- BEETS. MOSCA. Colo. O.T. DAVIS PHOTO No. 1242 c. 1910
Switchbacks on Alamosa River, San Luis Valley
In pencil at top left on the back of the image: Switchbacks on Alamosa River. Photographer unknown
T Bone Ranch, Cattle Ranch, San Luis Valley
In image at lower left: T BONE RANCH/ W.A. BRAIDEN/ CONEJOS COUNTY COLO; in image at lower right H.F. HUME
The Charles E. Gibson Co., Alamosa
Attributed to O.T. Davis. In pencil on back of image: On Main & Hunt
