Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Owen's Grocery Store - 1910 - 3376 S Logan
Robert (Bob) Hurkell stands in front of Owens' Grocery Store delivery car. The grocery store was owned by W. E. Owens. He ran the store out of the front room of his home.
Paca Barn - 1970 - 4300 S Washington
The old Paca barn on S. Washington St.
Paca Barn - 1975 - 4300 S Washington
This is the old Paca Barn on 4300 S. Washington St.
Parade - 1930 (ca.)
The view is looking south from in front of City Hall at 3385 S. Broadway. Guy's Garage at 3384 S. Broadway was the site of the old Englewood Theater.
Parade - 1930 (ca.)
View of 3300 block of S. Broadway looking North. Miller Super Market is on the left.
Parade - 1930 (ca.)
Cars along and in the parade.
Parade - 1930 (ca.)
Parade on South Broadway at Eastman. The view is looking North. One sign says "Shirley Temple Dolls & Dresses" Another sign says "The New Dodge"
Parade - 1930s (ca.) - Elk Convention Parade along Broadway
The Elks Convention Parade along South Broadway. The view is to the south.
Parade - 1940s (ca.)
Parade on South Broadway.
Parade - 1948 - Volunteer Fire Department
Volunteer Fire Department marching in parade with the hose cart in front of Max Hessel's Standard Station.
Parade - 1948 Rodeo and Race Meet Parade
The Rodeo and Race Meet Parade along South Broadway in 1948. (Arapahoe County Fair, August 18-22)
Parade - 1948 Rodeo and Race Meet Parade
Chuck Allen rides in the Rodeo and Race Meet Parade in 1948 along South Broadway.
