Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Pennington, Sherwin - 1962 - Christmas mail rush
Christmas mail rush in l962. Sherwin Pennington, parcel post clerk.
Perrin, George
An undated photograph of a young George Perrin.
Perrin, George & George Jr. - 1941 - Portrait
George Sr. and George Jr. (age 17 mo) in 1941.
Perrin, George & Helen - 1963
The Perrins were early voters for the forthcoming election.
Perrin, George & Helen, Lorraine - 1966
Left to right - George Perrin, wife Helen and sister Lorraine in October of 1966.
Perrin, George & Lorraine - 1920 - Portrait
George and Lorraine Perrin are shown in this November 8, 1920 portrait. On the back of the photo, faint pencil writing can be seen showing the date, George's age (14 years, 11 months) and Lorraine's age (8 years, 3 months).
Perrin, George - 1920 (ca.) - Bushy Canyon
Pictured here is a young George Perrin in Bushy Canyon, located on the west side of the South Platte River.
Perrin, George - 1924 - High School Graduation Picture
George Perrin is pictured in his 1924 High School graduation picture.
Perrin, George - 1926 - and with his Dog in a car
This is a photo of George Perrin and his dog.
Perrin, George - 1927 (ca.) - Bushy Canyon
George Perrin in Bushy Canyon on the West side of the Platte River.
Perrin, George - 1927 (ca.) - Bushy Canyon
George Perrin in Bushy Canyon area with a movie camera.
Perrin, George - 1945 (ca.) - The Photographer
George Perrin doing what he did best...
