Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Eason, Nicholas and Marian - 1963 - Wedding Photo
Nicholas Eason and Marian Pierce Eason were married September 7, 1963.
Edge, Karen - 1956
A photo of Karen Edge.
Edom's Dry Goods and Notion Store - 1913 - Exterior View, After Blizzard of 1913
Mrs. Emma Edom owned the Dry Goods and Notion Store. This photo was taken after the blizzard of 1913. Emma's son Walter is standing in front.
Edom, Ed - 1913 - Ed Edom outside William Edom's house
Ed Edom stands in the pathway they shoveled from William Edom's house to Broadway after the snowstorm of 1913.
Edom, Emma - 1913 - and Mrs. Don Edom & Nell Johnson
Emma Edom, on the right, stands with Nell Johnson, left, and Mrs. Don Edom, middle, after the 1913 snowstorm.
Edom, William - 1913 - and others clearing the Street Car Tracks
The view is to the North in the 2900 block of S. Broadway between Cornell and Bates. William Edom is in the front on the left. The photo shows the men trying to dig out the street car tracks after the snowstorm of 1913.
Edom, William - 1913 - with grandson Melvin Johnson
William Edom and his grandson, Melvin Johnson at the Edom's backdoor after the 1913 snowstorm.
Edson, Mary Dee - 1960 - Engagement Photo
Mary Dee Edson announced her engagement to David L. Nicholl Jr.
Edwin Crysler - 1917
A photo of Edwin Crysler.
Eggleston, Leroy & Janet - 1963 - Wedding Photo
Leroy Eggleston and Janet Giltz Eggleston were married on June 14, 1963.
Eggleston, Richard - 1960 - Navy Honorman recruit
Richard O. Eggleston of 3911 S. Sherman was Honorman of recruit company at San Diego Naval Base.
Ehret, Irene Chater - 1923
A photo Irene Chater Ehret.
