Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Englewood Youth Festival Parade - 1951 - Queen Alice Hessel and Attendants
Queen Alice Hessel with her attendants after the parade in front of City Hall. The Queen and her attendants for the YOUTH FESTIVAL QUEEN were Sponsored by JR. JC'S.
Erickson, Robert & Lois - Wedding Photo
Robert Erickson and Lois Busmere Erickson were married in a church ceremony.
Esquibel, Herman - 1958 - Armed Forces, Marines Photo
Marine Private First Class Herman G. Esquibel, son of Mr. & Mrs. Paul Esquibel of 4765 S. Galapago St, took part in "Operaton Strongback" in the Philippine Islands.
Essmeier, Floyd & Jeanette - 1963 - Wedding Photo
Floyd and Jeanette Essmeier were married on October 5, 1963.
Evans, Ronald - 1960 - graduate Colorado School of Mines
Ronald W. Evans of 3276 S. Delaware graduates from Colorado School of Mines.
Evans, Ronald R. - 1960 - Armed Forces Photo
Ronald R. Evans of 3919 S. Clarkson St. was home on leave from one of the Armed Forces.
Evert, Mr. & Mrs. Harry - 1954 - 50th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Evert celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.
Exstrom, Janice - 1959 - elected December Le-Ota Girl
Janice Exstrom of 4400 S. Elati St. was elected December Leota girl in 1959.
Fara, Jeri Ann - 1956
A photo of Jari Ann Fara.
Farrell, Charlotte - 1959
A photo of Charlotte Farrell.
Fashion Bar - 1954
Shoppers at Fashion Bar. From left to right: Mrs. Carl Boom, Mrs. Monte Smith, Mrs. Ernest Schmidt.
Fashion Bar - 1954 - Employees
From left to right: Miss Rose Turchin, Fashion Bar manager Connie Connelly, cashier Mrs. Lou Anna Hester.
