Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed
The first floor interior of the Pattern Storage Shed.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed
The Pattern Storage Shed. The view is to the NE.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed
The General Iron Works complex taken from the second floor of the Pattern Storage Shed. The view is to the NE.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed
The view along W. Bates Ave. towards the North. The large building is the Pattern Storage Shed with the gate house in the foreground.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed
East and north sides of the Pattern Storage Shed. The view is to the SW.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed
The Pattern Storage Shed. The view is to the SE.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed, Second Floor
The second floor interior of the Pattern Storage Shed.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed, Second Floor
The second floor interior of the Pattern Storage Shed, showing the fire wall and the steel fire door behind the wooden storage shelves.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed, Second Floor
The second floor interior of the Pattern Storage Shed.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Pattern Storage Shed, Second Floor
The second floor interior of the Pattern Storage Shed.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Rail Spur Line
The rail spur line between the machine shop wing of the Main building and the Power House. The view is to the North.
General Iron Works - 2000 - Storage Yard
The storage yard west of the plate shope on the norhteast corner of the Main building. The view is to the South.
