Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Gothic Theater Popcorn Wagon and Pony Ride Owner - 1930 (ca.) - in a Horse Drawn Wagon
This photo is of the owner of the popcorn wagon and pony ride that was in front of the Gothic Theater.
Governor Steve McNichols with Paul Vranesic - 1958 -
Paul Vranesic of 4010 S. Logan St. was the representative of the Boy's State Conference. He shows his text book to Gov. Steve McNichols.
Grace Lutheran Church - 1954 - 3494 S Sherman
A photo of Grace Lutheran Church.
Graham's Furniture - 1930 (ca.) - Harry's Cabs parked in front
Harry's Cabs in front of Graham's Furniture Co.
Graham's Furniture - 1975 - 3415 S Acoma
Graham's Furniture is located at 3415 S. Acoma St. It was previously located on S. Broadway.
Graham, Hugh - 1935 (ca.) - Mayor 1935-1941
Hugh Graham was mayor of Englewood from 1935-1941.
Grant, Virginia - 1957
A photo of Virginia Grant.
Green, Sharon Lee - 1958 - Engagement Photo
Sharon Lee Green of 4575 S. Elati St. announces her engagement to Harold R. Craighead.
Grimm, Phil - 1992 - Owner, Freeman Signs
Phil Grimm was the owner of Freeman Signs.
Gulley, Sherri - 1993 (ca.) - Mayor 1993-1994
Sherri Gulley was mayor of Englewood from 1993-1994.
Guthrie, Nina Shore
Cloise and Nina Shore Guthrie of 4675 S. Lafayette were married March 5, 1960.
H.T. Whittaker Farm - 1964 (ca.) - Future site Belleview Park
Belleview Park before it was constructed in the pasture land of the H. T. Whitaker farm in about 1964. In the background are the buildings of the Arapahoe County Fair Grounds. In the foreground on the left is the old Belleview bridge that spanned Big Dry Creek. In the front are three unidentified citizens with Englewood City Manager Leslie E. Rudd (right).
