Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Harris, Arthur and Verdine - 1962 - Wedding Photo
Arthur Harris and Verdine Soderquist Harris were married on November 17, 1962.
Harris, Don - 1957
A photo of Don Harris.
Harry Ida Farm
Harry Ida family on their farm.
Hay, Charles - 1963 - Head of Englewood Schools
Charles Hay was the first head of the Englewood Schools. He died on August 24, 1963.
Hayden A. Swearingen
Hayden A. Swearingen was a Municipal Court Judge for the city of Englewood.
Hazlett, Patty - 1956 - Senior High School Photo
Patty was a senior at Englewood High when this was taken. She was engaged to Charles McArthur.
Head, Mrs. Robert E. - 1958 - Elected President of Colorado Women's Club
Mrs. Robert E. Head of 4930 S. Pearl St. was elected President of the Colorado Women's Club in 1958.
Hee, Fred - 1911 (ca.) - Mayor 1911-1913
Fred Hee was mayor of Englewood from 1911-1913.
Helfer, Virginia - 1958 - Candidate for Justice of the Peace
Virginia Helfer of 4180 S. Jason St. was one of the candidates running for Justice of the Peace in 1958.
Henning & Son Coal Company - 1941 - 49 W Hampden
This business was formally King and Son Coal. The building was the barn of J.C. Jones.
Henning & Son Coal Company - 1941 - 49 W Hampden
This business was formerly King and Son Coal but it is now L. V. Henning & Son Coal Company. The building was the barn of J. C. Jones.
