Englewood Colorado Photo Gallery


Joslin's Department Store - 1958 - Exterior View
The entrance to Joslin's Department Store in Englewood, Colorado.
Joslin's Department Store - 1960 - Exterior View, during Teenage Safety Event
Janice Exstrom and Sandi Harper modeled dresses as part of a program to promote teenage safety at Joslins Department Store. Joslin's manager, Oscar Willard, handed out pamphlets on safety.
Joslins Department Store and First National Bank - 1960 - 3300 S Broadway
The view is to the North on the west side of South Broadway. Joslin's is at 3315 S. Broadway and First National Bank is at 3311 S. Broadway.
Julia Temple Nursing Home - 1930 (ca.) - Exterior View
The Julia Temple Nursing Home was located on Lafayette St. between Girard & Hampden.
Kailey, Mr. & Mrs. Donald - 1957 - Wedding Photo
A photo of Donald Kailey and the new Mrs. Donald Kailey.
Kauffman, Jerry - 1957 - Navy Photo
Jerry Kauffman is pictured in his Navy uniform.
Kennedy, Leon Parker - 1953 - At his print shop
Leon Kennedy in his print shop in 1953. He grew the beard for the "Englewood Golden Jubilee".
Kennedy, Leon Parker - [no date] - Portrait
Leon Kennedy moved to Englewood in 1925. He had a long career in printing in Englewood starting with the printing department at the Alexander Film Company.
Kerzic, Mr. & Mrs. Karl - 1959 - Wedding Photo
Mr. & Mrs. Karl Kerzic were married Oct. 17th, 1959.
Kimsey, Horace - 1940 (ca.)
Horace Kimsey served in the U.S. Army during WWII.
King, Bill - 1957
Bill worked at Englewood Savings and Loan.
Klaisle, Pete - 1957
A photo of Pete Klaisle.
