School, Cherrelyn Elementary - 1954 - Group Photo, Football Team
Cherrelyn Elementary football team. Top row from left to right: Rodger Johnson, Mike Doe, Dick Vaughn, Jerry Sala, Bruce Allen, Bill Cruff, Albert Siep, Jim Bull, Bill Downay, Bill Fraizer, Bob Boehler, Donald Wenman. Middle row from left to right: Chuck Christman, Doug Sovern, Jerry Boehler, Steve Depree, Maurice Belisle, Jim Brown, Bob Marston, Barney Aldfield, Alfred Covert, Jimmy Ridle, Jay Christman, Don Sulgrove, Gary Boehler, David Colemer, Bill Zervakas, Dennis Ellis. Front row from left to right: Bob Palmer, Jim Railey, Glen Bemis, Ronnie Taylor, Steve Tool, Rick Soderquist, Gary Lewis, Larry Apt, Ronnie Dare, Bruce Barker, Vernon Shaffer.