Local History Photo Archive

The Eagle Valley Library District and the Eagle County Historical Society work together to bring you thousands of photographs, artifacts, and many other items from historical Eagle County and the surrounding areas on the Western Slope.


Avon Schoolchildren, 1918
School children lined up in front of the Avon School, circa 1918 From left to right: Claire Nottingham (future Lundgren); Edna Pyeatt (storekeeper's daughter); Hilda Everett (later killed in trainwreck); Agnes Holden; Lois Welch; Winifred Nottingham (future Mason); Miss Marie Schmidt; Maybelle Robertson; Billy Robertson; Cleara Pyeatt. [Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
Avon development
"More condos on Kroeling's sheep feeding ground." Located near Avon.
Avon development
Condominium development near Avon. "Lucia & Steve lived on the Johnson place. Developed today."
Avon development
"Development on the Kroeling place at Avon." The Hahnewald barn can be seen on the left.
B & B Boys
"B & B Boys: Fred P., Tom N., Al, Tom G. [Tom Gill] They are at the tunnel entrance at Tennessee Pass, most likely on the east side, not far from the depot location. This is the tunnel that collapsed under the highway in July 2012. They are using movable scaffolding (on train wheels) pulled by a horse along the track in the tunnel in order to perform tunnel maintenance. [Information courtesy of Jimmy Blouch]
