Vallecito Dam Construction Project
Panorama of spillway stilling basin (left)
Panorama of spillway stilling basin from right side at station 30+50, after diversion of river through outlet works. Refer to Pine R - 210., Original photo number: Pine R - 349
Panorama of spillway stilling basin (right)
Panorama of spillway stilling basin from right side at station 30+50, after diversion of river through outlet works. Refer to Pine R - 210., Original photo number: Pine R - 349
Placing and rolling embankment in cut-off trench
Placing and rolling embankment in the cut-off trench. The cut seen at right center normal to the cut-off trench is the excavation for removal of the sand pocket at station 73+25., Original photo number: Pine R - 281
Placing backfill behind spillway wall
Placing backfill behind left wall of spillway stilling basin between stations 27+15 and 28+00. Material adjacent to the walls is power-tamped, while the remaining material is rolled., Original photo number: Pine R - 356
Placing concrete in cut-off wall
Placing concrete in cut-off wall opposite station 33+50, looking toward the right abutment. At left center concrete from the pump-crete pipe line is flowing into a hopper from which it is wheeled in buggies to the point of placement., Original photo number: Pine R - 279
Placing concrete in footing
Placing concrete in footing for counterfeited wall at right side of spillway between stations 6+32 and 6+79., Original photo number: Pine R - 334
Placing concrete in outlet conduit
Placing concrete in outlet conduit between stations 10+64.17 and 10+96.83. Dump trucks haul concrete from the mixing plant and dump into the hopper which is lowered to the buggy deck with a small dragline., Original photo number: Pine R - 298
Placing concrete in spillway stilling basin
Concrete placing operations in spillway stilling basin. Looking upstream from right side of spillway at station 30+50. Refer to Pine R - 225., Original photo number: Pine R - 383