Vallecito Dam Construction Project


View of left abutment from bottom of cut-off trench (2)
Looking toward left abutment in bottom of cut-off trench from point opposite axis sta. 9+00. Note drainage system at left side of trench has been covered with tar paper preparatory to placing embankment. Grout pipes can be seen extending up the side of the trench for grouting the system., Original photo number: Pine R - 256
View of left abutment from bottom of cut-off trench (3)
Same view as Pine R - 157 after placing of embankment had started. Note mechanical tamping operations along contact at left side and around pump sump., Original photo number: Pine R - 234
View of left abutment from bottom of cut-off trench (4)
Same view as Pine R - 158 after approximately 30 feet of embankment has been placed. Note grout risers and top of c.m.p. sump., Original photo number: Pine R - 288
View of left abutment from center of spillway (1)
Damsite after stripping - Looking along axis of dam toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1). Double line of stakes seen in foreground are slope stakes for outlet conduit excavation., Original photo number: Pine R - 242
View of left abutment from center of spillway (10)
Looking along axis toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1)., Original photo number: Pine R - 324
View of left abutment from center of spillway (11)
Looking along axis toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1)., Original photo number: Pine R - 031
View of left abutment from center of spillway (12)
Looking along axis toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1). Spiral stariway shaft is seen in foreground. Outlet conduit is completely covered., Original photo number: Pine R - 063
View of left abutment from center of spillway (13)
Looking along axis toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1). Average elevation of embankment to right of temporary diversion channel is 7632 with good drainage slope toward upstream face. Refer to Pine R - 200., Original photo number: Pine R - 087
View of left abutment from center of spillway (14)
Looking along axis toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1). Upstream slope of embankment has been trimmed prepatory to placing riprap. Shelter in foreground is protecting the spiral stair shaft., Original photo number: Pine R - 245
View of left abutment from center of spillway (2)
Looking along axis toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1). Excavation in foreground is for cut-off trench at right abutment. Large stakes define different sections of the embankment., Original photo number: Pine R - 318
View of left abutment from center of spillway (3)
Looking along axis toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1). Excavation in foreground is for cut-off trench at right abutment., Original photo number: Pine R - 084
View of left abutment from center of spillway (4)
Looking along axis toward left abutment from centerline of spillway. (Photographic point No. 1). Cross-cut in foreground is excavation for the outlet conduit., Original photo number:Pine R - 132
