Vallecito Dam Construction Project
Euclid bottom dump truck in operation
Eighteen yard Euclid bottom dump truck in operation hauling No. 1 material. Note that tires are on surface during full load conditions. Truck at 23+40 on extreme upstream edge of fill., Original photo number: Pine R - 448
Example of filter blanket fill
Material seen in foreground shows the type of material that is being placed in the 18-inch filter blanket at downstream toe of dam. Cobbles are in the cobble-fill section., Original photo number: Pine R - 146
Excavating and loading rock
Excavating and loading rock at borrow pit for dumped riprap on upstream slope of embankment., Original photo number: Pine R - 205
Excavating in bedrock
Excavating in bedrock at upstream right hand corner of trashrack structure., Original photo number: Pine R - 269
Excavating sand for concrete
Excavating sand for concrete. Borrow pit is about one mile upstream from dam., Original photo number: Pine R - 185
Excavation for outlet conduit
Excavation for outlet conduit, looking downstream from station 6+00. Bulldozer in foreground is cleaning off bedrock., Original photo number: Pine R - 271
Excavation for spillway foundation
Excavation to bedrock for placing lean mass concrete foundation under spillway inlet wall at left side, station 5+30 and 5+84. End of embankment cut-off wall placed in 1938 is seen in foreground. Refer to Pine R - 310., Original photo number: Pine R - 367
Excavation of additional cut-off trench (1)
Looking toward right abutment from axis sta. 7+75. Le Tourneaus are seen excavating additional cut-off trench in center of picture, and placing the material directly into the fill in the old river channel in the foreground., Original photo number: Pine R - 312