Southwest Center General Photo Collection


Durango (Colo.) Vicinity Scenes (7)
Various scenes around Durango., River, 1932.
Durango (Colo.) View
Aerial view of Durango, looking north., Notice reservoir and air strip in upper right where Fort Lewis College now is situated.
Durango (Colo.) View from Animas Mountain (1)
Photos of Animas River and Durango from Animas Mountain., Durango from Animas Mountain Race track inlet center where fairgrounds now are. Junction Creek and its confluence with the Animas. Smoke from smelter in the background
Durango (Colo.) View from Animas Mountain (2)
Photos of Animas River and Durango from Animas Mountain., Animas Mountain Note goosenecks of animas R. in valley.
Durango (Colo.) at Night
Rows of lights in Durango at night., For The Western Colorado Power Company.
Durango (Colo.), Looking South
Two photos looking south over Durango, Colorado., Duplicate can be found in I-07-19A
Durango (Colo.), Looking West
Looking west over buildings in Durango.
Durango (Colo.), Showing the Effect of Irrigation
Horse and carriage and large tree in front of a house.
Durango Armory Business References
Picture of sign with reference names listed.
Durango Business College and Students
Group photo of students in front of brick building., Credit line: Mr. & Ms. James Castain
Durango City Library, Durango, Colo.
Second of four postcards of four buildings in Durango, Colorado. This one is of the Durango City Library, Picture of Post Office(I-01-18A) is a duplicate of I-01-06. I-07-24B is a duplicate of the City Library(I-01-18B). Duplicate of Mercy Hospital(D) can be found in I-07-20.
Durango Exchange Annual Banquet
A group of men at the exchange banquet.
