Southwest Center General Photo Collection


Woman and Man Standing on a Lawn (Durango, Colo.) (2)
A man wearing white, and a woman holding flowers standing on a lawn., Center of Southwest Studies
Women on a White Horse
A women riding a white horse with a men crouched down watching her.
Wood-frame House and Earthen Dwelling with People and Carriages Gathered Outside
Wood-frame house and earthen dwelling with people and carriages gathered outside. Large rock outcropping in background. Shadow of photographer is visible in lower left portion of photograph.
Wool Growers Meeting
A group photo of the wool growers at the Durango Exchange banquet.
Worker Clearing Mudslide From Rio Grande Southern Railroad Track (Ilium, Colo.)
A black and white photograph of a man working on a mudslide.
Workers Clearing Mudslide From Rio Grande Southern Railroad Track (Ilium, Colo.)
A black and white photograph of men clearing the train tracks after a mudslide.
Workers Shoveling Snow from Tracks on the Silverton Branch
People hand trenching snow from tracks on the Silverton branch of the Denver and Rio Grande Western Railroad.
World War I Soldiers in a Main Avenue Parade (Durango, Colo.)
A parade with soldiers marching down Main Avenue in Durango, Colorado.
Yard at the Train Station (Durango, Colo.)
View of a train yard with train tracks, power lines and a view of a mountain in the background.
Zuni Indian Girl (N.M.) (1)
An Indian woman dressed in ceremonial clothes and carrying a pottery container.
Zuni Indian Girl (N.M.) (2)
An Indian woman dressed in ceremonial clothes and carrying a pottery container.
Zuni Indian Pueblo (N.M.) (1)
A bridge made of wood with stone pillars for support is in foreground leading to numerous pueblo buildings in the background.
