San Juan National Forest, United States Forest Service Historic Records Collection


Diamond Match Company, Mancos, CO (RO photo)
Image of Diamond Match Company in Mancos Colorado in 1947. Various mill structures are present, along with a large pile of lumber in the back. A few vehicles are seen by the mill.
Diamond Match Company, Mancos, CO (rear) (RO photo)
Image of Diamond Match Company mill in Mancos Colorado from the rear. Various structures are seen along with a large lumber pile in the back of the mill.
Digging out the DRGW RR tracks 5 miles S of Silverton - no date
Image of working crew digging out the Denver and Rio Grande Western railroad tracks, 5 miles south of Silverton. Lots of workers are seen with shovels digging in a large pile of snow. The numbers 29192 are in the lower right. Last number is unknown.
Dipping sheep - no date
Image of workers dipping sheep in a liquid formulation of insecticide and fungicide to help protect them from disease and other infections. Sheep are seen swimming in a small narrow waterway of farmers overlook them.
Dismantling New Mexico Lumber Co RR bridge across Plateau Cr.
Image of Civilian Conservation Corps, dismantling New Mexico Lumber Co railroad bridge across Plateau Cr. A group of men are seen standing near the bottom of the structure. The numbers 285543 are in the lower right.
District Ranger Paul D. Irwin (RO photo)
Image of District Ranger Paul D. Irwin riding a horse, attached to another horse in the middle of the forest. The numbers 412165 are in the lower right.
District reserve fire fighting equipment - box containing co
Image of reserve fire fighting equipment. The numbers 31546A are in the lower right hand corner.
Dolores Ranger Station Ranger's residence living room (RO ph
Image of Dolores Ranger's station, Ranger living room interior shot. A fire place, sofas and other items are present.
Dolores Ranger Station construction
Image of Dolores Ranger Station under construction. Various tools and materials are on the ground. Two men inspect the building. The numbers 336984 are in the lower right.
Dolores Ranger Station office construction
Image of Dolores Ranger Station under construction. Workers are inspecting the build foundation, while others are working concert machines.
Dolores Ranger Station, Montezuma NF
Image of Dolores Ranger Station in the Montezuma National Forest. The numbers 376869 are in the lower right.
Dolores Ranger Station, Montezuma NF
Image of Dolores Ranger Station in the Montezuma National Forest. The structure has large trees in front of it. As well as vines on the sides of the building. The numbers 452775 are in the lower right.
