San Juan National Forest, United States Forest Service Historic Records Collection


Montezuma Ranger Station dwelling
Image of Montezuma Ranger Station dwelling. Dwelling has a shingled roof. Dwelling has a front porch with a railing and a short staircase leads to the ground. The roof extends over the porch. Two piles of wood debris are located to the left of the building and to the right. A tree is located to the right. A mountain range is in the background. The numbers 76589 is located in the bottom right of the image.
Montezuma Ranger Station water wagon - August, 1916
Image of Montezuma Ranger Station water wagon. Dirt road leads to the left towards a wooden building with open doors in the back ground. Two hoarse and wagon is on the dirt road next to smaller buildings. A pipe extends from the wagon to a fenced yard on the right. A tree is in the yard. The sequence 34892A is located in the bottom right hand corner.
Montezuma Ranger Station, Montezuma NF (looking east) - 1914
Image of Montezuma Ranger Station, Montezuma NF. Viewer is directly in front of the station. Station is a building with a shingle roof and a porch. There is a window centered on the roof and there is a chimney behind it. On the porch one adult, two little girl, and one little boy are sitting. In front of the station's fenced in yard is are wild and native grasses. A tree is to the left of the station. The sequence 20153A is in the bottom right corner.
Montezuma Ranger Station, Montezuma NF (looking southeast) -
Image of Montezuma Ranger Station, Montezuma NF (looking southeast). The station is to the right with a mountain in the background. An adult and three children are sitting on the front porch steps of the station. A dirt road leads from the foreground to the background curving to the left. There is a barnlike structure in background to the left. The sequence 20154A is in the bottom right hand corner.
Montezuma Ranger Station, Montezuma NF - AUG1916
Image of Montezuma Ranger Station, Montezuma NF. On the right is the ranger station. A dirt road runs from right to left. In the background two horses are hitched to a water wagon. A pipe lead form the wagon to the back yard of the station. there is a tree in the back yard. A shed and a lager building behind it are on the left. A mountain range is in the background on the right. The sequence 34891A is in the bottom right corner.
Montezuma Supervisor's Office & Garage in Cortez
Image of Montezuma supervisor's office and garage. A man is present in far left. In the lower right hand corner the numbers 426925 are present.
Moving logging camp on Montezuma NF (RO photo)
Image of workers loading a logging camp onto a truck in 1937. This is located in Montezuma National Forest. The numbers 338779 are in the lower right.
Moving old Ferris logging camp houses, Montezuma NF
Image of workers moving old Ferris logging camp houses on to trucks. A worker on a tractor is near by, as many workers help move the small structure on to the truck. The numbers 338776 are in the lower right.
Mrs. Hazel Cooper, Devil Mtn. Lookout
An image of Mrs. Hazel Cooper inside the Devil's mountain lookout. There is a piece of text included along with this image. It states "By R.J. Greffenius- 7/22/57 Piedra District - Devil Mtn. Lookout Mrs. Hazel Cooper at fire finder."
Mules hauling lagging near Lizard Head of mines
Image of Mules hauling lagging near Lizard Head for mines. Mules and large piles of lumber are present within the image. The numbers 34881 A are in the right hand corner of the image.
Mules packing ties from woods to head of flume, SJNF (RO photo)
Image of Mules packing ties from woods to head of flume in San Juan National Forest. The numbers 24447 A are in the lower right.
Near head of Dolores River (Lizard Head in distance)
Image taken near head of Dolores river, with Lizard Head in the distance. The numbers 17291 A are in the lower right of the image.
