San Juan National Forest, United States Forest Service Historic Records Collection


Pinkerton Ranger Station - 1915
Image of Pinkerton Ranger Station in 1915. The station has a raised porch with a roof. There are large rocks in front of the station. There is a small building to the left of the station. A large hill covered in rocks and pine trees is in the background.
Pinkerton Ranger Station barn (1)
Image of Pinkerton Ranger Station barn. Image is of a zoomed in picture. The barn is in the distance. A small group of trees is in front of the barn. To the right there is a pen made from rocks and wire. Two horses are seen in the pen. To the left there is a wooden pen with one horse.
Pinkerton Ranger Station barn (2)
Image of Pinkerton Ranger Station barn. The barn is of a wooden structure with a stone base and a tin roof. A pine tree is seen directly in front of the barn. To the right of of the pine tree a hinged barn window is seen. To the left there is a wooden structure with a "v" shape holding hay in the bottom. A smaller barn window is seen behind the structure.
Pinkerton Ranger Station barn (3)
Image of Pinkerton Ranger Station barn. The barn is seen to the right. It has one front door and window. There is a wooden pen connected to the barn extending to the left. Small trees are growing in the pen. In front of the pen there is a smaller building with trees surrounding it.
Pinkerton Ranger Station barn - no date
Image of Pinkerton Ranger Station barn. The barn is in the distance. A group of trees in front of the barn. To the right there is a pen made form rocks and wire. Two horses are seen in the pen. To the left there is a wooden pen with one horse. To the far right a corner of another building is seen. In the background a rocky hill is seen rising to the right. Leafless trees and pine trees scatter the hill side. Above the picture the phrase 0-Improvement-Buidlings is typed.
Pinkerton Ranger Station construction
Image of Pinkerton Ranger Station construction. The stations foundation and frame work is seen. Two men are seen working, one standing the other crouching. To the right there are piles of lumber. To the left there is a pile of dirt.
Portable sawmill - no date
Image of a portable sawmill. A steam powered tractor sits in front of sawmill perhaps providing power functions to the mill. Workers inspect the interworking's of the mill and other various nearby equipment. The numbers 34857 are visible the rest are unknown.
Preparing for cargo drop, San Juan NF (RO photo)
An image of a man carrying cargo towards a small plane. Another man closer to the plane loads some other cargo into it. A similar small plane and plane hanger is seen in the background.
Prize Float, Andy Hutton's and Milt Scott's boys
Image of Prize float, Andy Hutton's and Milt Scott's boys. The boys pose for a photo in front of the float.
R.C. Meager, Camp F-29-C Superintendent
Image of Superintendent R.C. Meager at Camp F-29-C. The numbers 329 are seen, the rest are unknown.
Ranger C. A Sward scaling logs on NM Lbr. Co. sale
Image of Ranger C. A Sward scaling logs for the New Mexico Lumber Company. Another worker appears to be doing the same thing in the background. The numbers 235683 are in the lower right.
