San Juan National Forest, United States Forest Service Historic Records Collection


Rico Ranger Station at Christmas time (Dolores District (2)
Image is of a description on a photo. The description is in list form with numbers 1 through 5. The information given is on location, dates, and names. The words IMP Ranger Stations are seen in the bottom left corner.
Rico Ranger Station at Christmas time (Dolores District phot
Image of Rico Ranger Station at Christmas time. The image is of the station at night. The station is a wooden building with a fenced in yard. To the right there is a gate. Above the gate a sign reads Rico Ranger Station. Just behind the fence four pine saplings are seen. Each sapling is decorated with lights. The ground is covered in snow.
SJNF Garage & Warehouse in Durango (RO photo)
Image of constructed SJNF garage and warehouse. Railroad tracks present in the left lower corner. The numbers 432689 are in the lower right corner.
SJNF Rangers Meeting (RO photo)
Image of San Juan National Forest Rangers posing for a photograph outside of a building. The small handwritten text at the bottom just says "(over)".
SJNF Rangers Meeting (RO photo) (back)
Image of the back of a photograph with the names of Rangers and other personnel written on it. The text has some handwriting that is a little hard to determine the right words. Best guess is used here. the text goes as follows: "Jan, 49 - Ranger Meeting, San Juan First row- Weddle, Wright, Lundell, Johns, Busch, Bulter, Norris Second " - Rist, Siemert, Vogel, Giancomini, Greffinius, Soens, Rider, Read, Schlesinger, Hardy, Blacker, Knoblach, Ericson, Lonsinger, Bradbury, Martinez Forest Officers Meetings Ranger Tharrery."
SJNF between Turkey & 4 mile Creeks
Image of San Juan National Forest between Turkey and Four mile creeks in 1911. A small creek is seen with a large snow capped mountain in the background. The numbers 98159 are in the lower right. There could be another number however, it is unknown.
SJNF garage & warehouse construction
Image of SJNF garage and warehouse. Man stands on top of the building on the right. The numbers 336978 are in the lower right hand corner.
SJNF personnel
Image of San Juan National Forest personnel posing for a photograph. There are a few buildings and structures in the background. The numbers 429026 are in the lower right.
SJNF personnel (RO photo)
Image of San Juan National Forest personnel, all posing for a photograph in front of a building. The numbers 452012 are in the lower right.
SJNF personnel (RO photo) (back)
Image of typed names of San Juan National Forest personnel taken on September 3rd, 1948. The names are typed but there is one name written in cursive which is hard to determine. this is what is written on it: "452012 Colorado, San Juan NF. Earl E. Ericson 9/3/48 Forest officers, Rangers OFFICERS: Kneeling-- Supervisor Lewis R. Rist, Julian T. Martinez, Felix E. Read, Robert L. Rider, Harry L. Norris. Standing, Left to right -- Earl E. Ericson, Wallace F. Lonsinger, Roderick K. Blacker, Milton M. Wright, J.E. Greffenius, Daniel O. Weddle, Leroy Bradbury, Paul G. Lundell, Zayaz, Edward H. Busch, Richard H. Butler, George W. Siewert, M. W. Thompson, (RO), Albert F. Knoblock, Jules S. Vogel, Mrs. J. Christine Soens. "
SJNF personnel (back)
Image of the back side of the image of San Juan National Forest personnel photograph. There are names written on it. This handwriting is in curse, making some words hard to determine. So some of these names are misspelled. This is what is written on it: "Picture taken 1-14-44 By M.W Thompson. Personnel of San Juan National Forest From Left to Right: H.R Hughes - forest ranger John H. Hammond - " " R. F. Brellenius - " " Harry L Harris - " " Robert H. Rider - Administrative Assistant Lewis R. Riat - "Forest Rodrick K. Blacken - Forest Ranger Richard H. Butler - Sale Ranger Paul H. Lundell - assistant LeRoy Bradlary - mechanic Royal H. Muglton - assistant clerk Daniel O. widdle - forest ranger
Safety sign between Pagosa & Blanco Camp F-29-C
Image of a safety sign between Pagosa and Blanco Camp F-29-C in 1936. A man in uniform stands pointing to the sign outside a pickup truck. The numbers 329 are visible, however the rest are unknown.
