Volume 3: Mesa Verde/ Aztec Ruins

According to the U.S. National Park Service, Mesa Verde National Park features 5,000 known archeological sites, including 600 spectacular cliff dwellings. The name is Spanish for “Green Table,” and the area was inhabited by the Ancestral Pueblo people from AD 600 to 1300, over 700 years. (source) Mesa Verde, as well as nearby Aztec Ruins National Monument located in Aztec, New Mexico, are an important link to the Native American past of the region and provide significant economic stimulus, with well over half a million people visiting each year. (source)


Pre-Historic Ruins, Aztec, New Mexico.
Sepia image showing Pre-historic ruins in Aztec, New Mexico. Ruins still have parts of their wooden beams and the ruins look extensive based on how the image was taken.
Pre-historic ruins of the ancient Aztecs, Aztec, New Mexico
Two men are on top of one of the wall ruins at Aztec, New Mexico. One is standing and pointing off into the distance while the other sits next to him. More ruins surround them, intermingled with desert brush.
Prehistoric Ruins (Aztec, N.M.)
Prehistoric Ruins at Aztec National Monument, N.M. There are three or four people standing in the ruins that consist of just a few brick columns.
Red House (Mesa Verde, Colo.)
Colored print of the Red House, Mesa Verda [sic], Colorado.
Residence Portion: Mancos, Colorado
Sepia post card with Aztec Ruins that appear to be built in the nook of a cliff. There are some trees on the left side of the image and what looks like a path around the ruins.
Road to Mesa Verde National Park from Mancos, Colorado
Hand-colored postcard of a dirt road entering Mesa Verde National Park from Mancos, Colorado.
Round Tower, Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde Ruins, Colo.
Close-up view of Round Tower. Postmark information in stamp area: United States and Canada, one cent; Foreign, two cents.
Ruin from North End, The. Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde National Park, Mancos, Colo.
A sepia image of some ruins that are in the crook of a cliff with a small wall that seems to go around the ruins.
Ruin in Mancos Canon - Cliff Palace (Colo.)
Ruin in Mancos Canon, Cliff Palace, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado.
Ruin in Mancos Canyon, Colorado
Postmarked Durango, Colorado. 12/13/1909
Ruin in Mancos Canyon, Spruce Tree House (Colo.)
A view of Spruce Tree House at Mesa Verde National Park.
