Collection for person entities.
T. L. Livermore
Contributor to "Singing the lines of place: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source: Singing the lines of place: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
T.D. "Shortie" Bowman
Uncle of oral history interviewee Jeanette LeBeau. Along with his brother Charlie Bowman, she said in her interview that he "helped chase the Indians out of town." He was also a bootlegger who made whiskey, and an Uncompahgre cattle rancher who pursued the grizzly bear Big Foot Mary, to no avail.
T.E. Thompson
The second city manager of Grand Junction, Colorado under the new city manager system of government. He served from May 1925 to July 1930. He resigned the post to become city manager of Shawnee, Oklahoma.