
Collection for person entities.


Victoria Wilhelmy
She taught physical education, which was called physical culture at the time, at the first Lowell School in Grand Junction, Colorado.
Vida Hall
A one-time resident of the Gateway area of Mesa County, Colorado.
Viki Sickles
Contributor to "The where that tells us who we are: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source: The where that tells us who we are: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Vincenzo James "Jimmy" Arcieri
An Italian immigrant and farmer in Mesa County. He was born in Italy in 1880 and came to Mesa County, Colorado with his wife and children in 1913, at the age of 33. He operated a greenhouse and plant nursery on First Street in Grand Junction in the early Twentieth century. He also owned land in Pomona and on North Avenue before setting at the corner of 7th street and Struthers Avenue, where he raised tomatoes for the Curry Canning Company. There he contracted for 250,000 tomato plants per year. The family sold their greenhouses to Stephen Barnwell Johnson, who established Johnson's House of Flowers, in 1937.
