
Collection for person entities.


Adrienne Kaga
She was born in the Chicago area and moved to the Grand Valley of Mesa County, Colorado in 2001. Her mother, Gay (Chin) Kaga, was Chinese-American and her father, Shoji Kaga, was Japanese-American. They were both from the Pacific Northwest, and met after Shoji Kaga’s family was released from the Minidoka Japanese internment camp (Minidoka War Relocation Center) during World War II. Adrienne grew up in Chicago, where her parents had moved in search of work, and graduated from high school in Raleigh, North Carolina. She then went to college at Georgetown University. She worked as a principal in a private equity fund that invested in Latin America and traveled extensively from the Chicago area for work. She retired in 2000 and decided to relocate to the Mesa County area. She currently works for Mesa County Libraries and as a jack-of-all trades in the Miller Orchards.
Ute Indian.
