
Collection for person entities.


Lorene Gruenler
Lorene was a member of the Gray Ladies, a loosely formed organization of ladies who helped at the Denver & Rio Grande Hospital.
Lorene Jayson
Contributor to "Just One More Day: A Gunnison Valley Journal," Storyteller and 'magical mythmaker' from upstate New York who has summered for years near Powderhorn. (source: Just One More Day: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Lorenzo Dow Reed
A Palisade, Colorado resident who volunteered to fight in World War I. He served in the Navy on the USS Nevada, which at that time was one of the most modern battleships the United States possessed. His ship patrolled the Eastern Seaboard. Reed put in for transfer to the Melville, a ship on the West Coast, but the ship’s boiler blew up crossing the Panama Canal, and by the time a replacement part had been received, the Armistice was declared.
Loretta Hickman
She worked as an interviewer for the Mesa County Oral History Program.
Lori Heusinkveld
Contributor to "The where that tells us who we are: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source: The where that tells us who we are: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Lori Spence
Contributor to "Out Of Many, One: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source: Out Of Many, One: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
