Collection for person entities.
M. Irvine
An interviewer for the Mesa County Oral History Project.
M.A. Glascoe
According to oral history interviewee Richard Williams, Glascoe was an early resident of Mesa County and a part owner of the COPECO fruit growing operation, which he bought into after its sale by the original owners Elmer Craven and William Moyer. He worked as a dealer for the Conoco Oil Company and later as a realtor.
According to local historian Bill Nelson, Glascoe, who apparently belonged to the nascent First Baptist Church in Grand Junction, signed a letter protesting the potential construction of the first church building on government land. The city of Grand Junction provided free land on White Avenue to any church wanting to build there in the 1880’s, but the First Baptist Church instead ended up building on Grand Avenue, near the site of the current Mesa County Libraries Central Branch.