
Collection for person entities.


Maggie Herrick
She and her husband Henry were settlers in the Kannah Creek, Colorado area. In 1883, she left her husband during a domestic squabble, and went to her parents’ house in Albuquerque. She later returned, only to find her husband in a carriage with a woman named Margaret Thompson. She shot and killed Margaret, whom Henry had employed as a housekeeper. Accompanied by Sheriff Martin Florida, she went to retrieve livestock that belonged to her, but she rode on ahead of the sheriff, and was shot and killed by her husband. He escaped from jail. She was represented by Robert Cobb, who also represented her husband, and who also worked as the probate judge in charge of administering the estate. Source: Described by Al Look in a series of radio interviews he did for a show called The Local Scene.
Maggie Linton
Maggie was a student at H Street School in the late 19th century.
Maggie Nehrenberg
Contributor to "2020: The Hammer and The Dance: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source:2020: The Hammer and The Dance : A Gunnison Valley Journal).
Maggie Robbins
Cattlemen's Days 2003, Parade Marshall
Maia Kai Harrison
Contributor to "Out of the Blue and Into the Sun," (source: Out of the Blue and Into the Sun: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
