
Collection for person entities.


Margo Bryan-Peterson
A then-Colorado artist who created public art installations. She received a Covisions grant to create a series of tile murals with Wingate Elementary School students in 1996. She also served as the Fruitvale Elementary School artist-in-residence, and was a teacher at the Western Colorado Center for the Arts (now known as the Art Center of Western Colorado). In 1997, she offered a course on tile making to any parent, teacher or education professional who was willing to pass that skill onto others in a classroom setting. Karen Severson, a teacher at Columbine Elementary School, took the course, and then taught both her fellow teachers and Columbine’s fifth students how to create tiles. The Columbine Elementary School Tile Project emerged from those efforts. As of 2023, Margo Bryan-Petersen lives in upstate New York, where she still creates and displays art.
Margo Patton Blair
Great-grandfather Mergelman started Cattlemen’s Days, graduate of Gunnison High School. Attended Northeastern Junior College in Sterling CO, studied Law. College rodeo team competing in barrels, breakaway calf roping, team roping and goat tying. Involved in 4-H, raises hogs, completes in Rodeo. First women president of Cattlemen's Days in 2016. Cattlemen's Days Attendant 2000, Queen 2001, President 2016 and 2017 (source: Cattlemen's Days Brochure 2000, 2001, 2016, 2017) Cattlemen's Days Junior Miss in 1997, sister of Abby and Patricia Patton (Source: Cattlemen's Days 1997 Newspaper Insert)
Margret Mergelman
Cattlemen's Days Parade Marshall 2004
