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Marie Scott
According to livestock auctioneer Howard Shults, Scott was one of the biggest landowners in southern Colorado in the mid-Twentieth century. Her holdings stretched from south of Ridgway, up through Norwood and Telluride, and contained much of the land south of the Dallas Divide.
She worked in the livestock business. She and fellow cattle rancher and land owner Charley Redd often engaged in land deals. Her estate was estimated to be worth some six million dollars at the time of her death. Most of the estate was left to the Mormon church, as her sister had died before her.
Shults provides the following description: “She was a great gal, too, she weighed about… oh, maybe 95 pounds, and I’ve seen her out in the snow with a pair of chaps on and rouge on her cheeks, boy, and just runnin’ cattle to beat the dickens! She was a goer…”
Marie Thomas
A pioneer school nurse in Grand Junction who sometimes assisted Dr. Everett "E.H." Munro when he made house calls in rural Mesa County. She was also one of the people in charge of the original immunization program in Grand Junction. Sometime later, she left to do public nursing in Los Angeles, and her name is listed in Who's Who in America.