
Collection for person entities.


Mary Agnes (Robinson) Cox
She was born in Park City, Utah and came to Mesa County, Colorado in 1906, when she was one. The family lived for a time on a ranch on Salt Creek twenty miles from Collbran, then moved to Grand Junction, Colorado around the time Mary turned six. She graduated from Grand Junction High School in 1923. During her first marriage, she lived in Death Valley with her husband, who was engaged in gold mining there. She later married Edwin A. Cox and together they had three children. She grew up at 542 W. Ute Avenue in the Riverside neighborhood, and later moved to 541 W. Ute. She was a volunteer and transcriber for the Mesa County Oral History Project.
Mary Allman
She was the Curator of Education at the Museums of Western Colorado during the 1980's.
Mary Ann (Marshall) Jones
On August 11, 1871 Mary Ann Marshall of Marathon, Wisconsin married Jacob Calvin Jones. They lived on a farm in Plum Creek and had two sons and a daughter.
