
Collection for person entities.


Mrs. Combs
She ran the nursery on 10th Street and Chipeta Avenue in the early Twentieth century, assisting doctors in the delivery of children. She was a widowed mother of one son. She once suggested, during a difficult birth, that the shoulder-blade could be broken, allowing the child to fit through the birth canal. This suggestion was acted upon.
Mrs. Dowling
An early Whitewater, Colorado resident who often loaned her horse and cart to others for use. She was a pioneer resident from Ireland.
Mrs. Earl Childs
An avid arrowhead collector in Paradox Valley, Colorado. She had thousands of such objects in her collection.
Mrs. Farr
President of the Congregational Women's Fellowship, a Colorado group who helped donate a large amount of money to the Plateau Valley Hospital.
Mrs. Fitzpatrick
A sheep rancher who bought feed from Merle Winters and sold supplies to the Turner Ranch in Utah. She may have been the wife of William Fitzpatrick, the owner of a large sheep ranch in Mesa and Montrose Counties.
