
Collection for person entities.


Neva (Collier) Ames
She was born to John W. and Maggie Collier in Colorado. She grew up on the Redlands area of Mesa County, and received her high school education at Grand Junction High School. She was married and widowed some time prior to 1956. She became a nurse for the Colorado State health department and worked with families living in the migrant labor camp in Palisade. She was quite good at teaching methods for improving living conditions/lifestyles (e.g. demonstrating the use of powdered milk in the absence of refrigeration).
Neva Daniels
First faculty member hired at CMC
Nevada (Lynch) Burford
She was born in Utah and moved as a young girl to Grand Junction with her parents. She grew up in Grand Junction, where her father was involved in several enterprises, and in Kannah Creek, where her parents homesteaded. As a child, she belonged to the First Methodist Church in Grand Junction. After she married a sheep rancher named Walter Farmer, they lived in several locations in the Kannah Creek area, struggling to get by until Nevada separated from him and returned to Grand Junction with her children. Rod Thomas, the director of the First National Bank, hired her as a bookkeeper. She later worked at the Mesa County Courthouse as a bookkeeper for twenty years.
