
Collection for person entities.


Noreen Horwitz
Contributor to "Out of the Blue and Into the Sun," (source: Out of the Blue and Into the Sun: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Norlin "Boots" Norgaard
A journalist who worked for the Daily Sentinel in the early Twentieth century. He went onto work for the Denver Post. According to former Daily Sentinel coworkers Ruth Smith and Isabella Cunningham, he also worked for the United Press International, and covered the European Theater during World War II. He also covered the Nuremberg Trials. An oral history interview of Boots Norgaard is available on the History Colorado website.
Norma (Burbridge) Hill
A housewife from Hopkinsville, Kentucky. She married Benjamin Felix Hill December 2nd, 1902. They lived in Cripple Creek, Colorado, where her husband worked as a mining engineer and geologist. Norma was the president of the Cripple Creek PEO Chapter, and later became a member of the BY Chapter when she came to Grand Junction to live with her daughter. Her daughter, oral history interviewee Grace (Hill) Wade, says that her mother was a beautiful violinist.
