Collection for person entities.
Patrick Levintis
A Greek-American who ran a private gambling establishment in early Twentieth century Grand Junction. The gambling hall was located above Watson's Cigar Store and variety shop at 339 Main Street. He shot and killed Jim Patsios.
Patrick Marold
Patrick Marold is a sculptor based in Colorado and the creator of the landscape based installation, The Windmill Project, as well as the recently completed Shadow Array, among many other sculptures. Much of his work explores our relationships with the land through habitation, industry and community. Source:
Patrick Metoyer
He was born in Louisiana and grew up there, in Washington D.C. and Los Angeles. He was one of four children. In sixth grade, a teacher taught him to crochet, a skill that proved to be a lifelong gift and his entrance into the arts.
His father was drafted into the US Navy in April 1945, and while enlisted, began to exhibit symptoms of mental illness. He was diagnosed Schizophrenic, and his condition and lack of proper treatment left his mom to raise the children and support the family financially. It was his father's illness, and negotiating the bureaucracy of the Veterans Administration Hospital on his behalf, that later led to Metoyer's involvement in mental health issues for veterans.
Metoyer was drafted into the US Army in 1965. He trained to work with US Army psychologists, social workers and psychiatrists, and served in a military hospital in the Far East that received casualties from the Vietnam War. He later became a school teacher. He came to Grand Junction, Colorado in 1985 after seeing a full page ad in the Los Angeles Times promoting the town. Because his mother suffered from her own health problems, Metoyer brought his father with him to Grand Junction. He sought help in dealing with his father's illness from the Mesa County Mental Health Association and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Because Metoyer did not find the V.A. to be receptive to the input of family members regarding their loved ones' care, and discovered that others had a similar experience, he cofounded the National Alliance on Mental Illness Veterans Network, an off-shoot of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (then the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill). He then became the volunteer director for the local NAMI, was appointed to the state Mental Health Advisory Board by Governor Roy Romer, and served on the board for the Veterans Administration Region 19. He also worked with the Mesa County Mental Health Association and the Veteran's Art Center. He both helped to organize and participated in the first National Veterans Creative Arts Festival in 1997, and has won festival awards for his artwork, performance, and writing. He is a past winner of the Mesa County Libraries Poetry Contest, and has long been active in poetry, the arts, and theater in the Grand Valley.