
Collection for person entities.


Rachel Miscall
Contributor to "The where that tells us who we are: A Gunnison Valley Journal," (source: The where that tells us who we are: A Gunnison Valley Journal)
Rachel S. (Gordon) Graham
She was the first white woman married in Mesa County, Colorado. According to Dorothy Alveretta (Gordon) Mahoney, grandaughter of pioneering Mormon settler Patrick Henry Gordon, Rachel was one of Patrick Gordon’s daughters. The Grand Junction News mentions her marriage in its Local Affairs column on March 24, 1883: “The first marriage license issued in Mesa County was taken out Tuesday, March 21st, by Moses Graham and Rachel Gordon.” Mayor Charles F. Shanks of Grand Junction conducted the ceremony.
Raffaela Guerrie
She married Phillip Guerrie sometime after the passing of his first wife in 1904. They immigrated from Italy to the United States in 1907. She was a homemaker who made Italian cuisine, cookies and bread for the family, and who oversaw their celebration of an Italian Christmas.
