GrassRoots Community Network


Focus!--Poets with Karen Swenson and William Matthews
#13273 GrassRoots Community Network Photo taken from video.
Focus!--The White House with Liz Carpenter and Libby Cater
#13279 GrassRoots Community Network. Photo taken from video.
Focus!--Theatre with Harold Clurman
#13281 GrassRoots Community Network Photo taken from video.
Interlude--"Zara Nelsova and Lisa Hurlong"
#13299 GrassRoots Community Network Image taken from video.
Interlude--Ted Piltecker (Piltzecker) and Ed Thorne
#13294 Ted Piltecker and Ed Thorne Image taken from video.
Interlude: "Gordon Hardy and Jeanne Jaffee"
#13300 GrassRoots Community Network Image taken from video.
Interlude: "Jorge Mester and Edgar Stanton"
#13301 GrassRoots Community Network Photo taken from video.
Interlude: "Richard Dufallo with Music Festival Guests"
#132198 GrassRoots Community Network Image taken from video.
Interlude: "Ruben Gonzalez and Lawrence Foster"
#13292 GrassRoots Communty Network; Image taken from video.
Interlude: "Czajkowski, Kyr, Martin, and Howard"
#13302 GrassRoots Community Network Image taken from video.
Interlude: "Misha Dichter and Itzhak Perlman"
#13291 GrassRoots Community Network Photo taken from video.
Interlude: "Richard Pearlman and Alex Stevenson"
#13293 GrassRoots Community Network Image from video.
