A KOTO newscast, from 8/16/1996 To 8/30/1996, featuring Jon Kovash, Matthew Lewis, and Becca Thorson. Here are the headlines: 8/16/1996: We have a report on Chamber Music's finale weekend. We've got the winners of the Duck Race. We've got a mountain weather report. 8/19/1996: Curtis Wayne Byrne gets 11 years for the 1994 sexual assault. Lightning sparks another round of fires. Film Fest offers a free movie screening. We have a mountain weather report and a personal commentary. 8/20/1996: Airport officials remain conservative despite the first-time July profit. Summer Sing prepares for a weekend-long sing-along. The Telluride Artisans Guild provides a helping hand. Those stories and a mountain weather report. 8/21/1996: West Slope fires lose their spark, but officials remain cautious. Worms in the kitchen: how composting can reduce your garbage. The Mud butts ready for a Thursday night performance. Those stories and a weather report. 8/22/1996: Mountain Village Relents on extra gondola hours; bean receipts are stolen. Mesa Verde firefighters hope for a hundred percent control tonight. Kids propose a BMX track in Town Park. We've got today's mountain weather report. 8/23/1996: The Street Scape Task force works on priorities. This year, the Mushroom Festival will be more talk than taste. Today's mountain weather report and we have personal commentary. 8/26/1996: Telluride suffers a Sunday night water emergency. The school board will go for a mill levy override. We have a preview of Tuesday's Town Council meeting and a mountain weather report. 8/27/1996: Telluride Town Council reverses its position on First Street parking. The fire danger remains high despite heavy rains. It's back to school on Wednesday for area students. Those stories and more, the mountain weather report and a personal commentary. 8/28/1996: The Village Council appoints Tommy Elskes to replace Huskey. San Miguel County revamps proposed logging rigs. Heavy hail causes a fatal collision on Dallas Divide. Brady explains the mill levy override, Maximum Max, Telluride's newest film venue. Those stories and a mountain weather report. 8/29/1996: The regional fire bands are still in effect; John Lennon's artwork is on display this weekend; international films unreleased Disney clips; and Emerging American Talent Film Fest gears up for the show. Those stories and a mountain weather report. 8/30/1996: the Town Park skate ramp will soon open for business. Pro rodeo comes to Ridgway. The making of a film festival. Event staff prep for the hoards. And we'll have a look at our mountain weather.