Prostitution in Frontier Mining Towns, Written by Doris H. Gregory
From inside the cassette tape: "This tape tells a story of prostitution in the late 1880's to 1930's as it was in the frontier mining towns. It is based on authentic excerpts from old newspapers, mainly Ouray, Colorado.
You will learn where the brothels were located and what kind of women became prostitutes or madams. You will hear of the many suicides of the despondent daughters of ill fame.
You will see how difficult it was, when public indignation repeatedly forced the town officials to confine the shady ladies to their assigned territory on the edge of town.
Finally, the story is told of why the brothels , prostitutes and saloons eventually disappeared and the face of the towns were changed."
This history was written by Doris H. Gregory and narrated by Dorwin D. Gregory.
These cassette tapes were created by New Paradigm Productions in Montrose, Colorado.