Rebecca Woods served as the fourteenth Mesa County Libraries Artist in Residence at the 970West Studio. The dates of her residency were February 1 - May 3, 2021. During the residency, she kept virtual open studio hours via Zoom on Wednesdays from 3-5 pm, allowing her to showcase her art and creative process for Mesa County residents (all studio hours and programs were virtual due to the covid-19 pandemic). She also gave three public, online educational programs: Papercraft Figures (February 24 at 6 pm (recorded)) Description: “Paper dolls” may bring to mind images of punch-out cards with a variety of clothes, but that isn’t the only type of figure you can make with paper and your imagination. Make papercraft figures that you can dress, decorate, or even use as puppets in your own puppet show. Pick up a kit ahead of time to follow along then, join Rebecca via Zoom after the video premiere. Take & Makes available starting 9 a.m Feb. 24 Shadow Boxes and Tunnel Books (March 24 at 6 pm (recorded)) Description: Transform plain paper into beautiful three-dimensional scenery that effortlessly explodes with life with the simple addition of light. Pick up a kit ahead of time to follow along then, join Rebecca via Zoom after the video premiere. Gel Print an Art Doll (April 21 at 6 pm (recorded)) (40 kits in all) Description: Create and print your own characters and designs straight onto fabric that can be sewn together to create an art doll of your own creation. Pick up a kit ahead of time to follow along then, join Rebecca via Zoom after the video premiere.