Lafayette Archival Oral History Collection 1968-2001


Historical Society Tea
Members of the tea society reflect on the old homes and buildings of Lafayette and the growth of the town in their lifetimes. As they look at pictures of old buildings, they tell stories about the buildings, including who owned them and how they operated, and how they have changed.
Oral History Lecture with Phyllis Smith
Phyllis Smith’s lecture entitled “Coal Miners of the Northern Coal Field of Colorado” given for Sunday Salon: Carnegie Branch Library for Local History on September 23rd, 1984, discussed the vast history and importance of coal mining throughout the twentieth century in Colorado. Specifically, Smith discusses the Northern Coal Field, a mine that was significantly larger than others in the state. The lecture covers working conditions, union developments, and mining strikes. Smith includes visceral details about picketing conditions in the 1920s. The lecture concludes with Smith reading the poem “Dark as a Dungeon,” written by Merle Travis, and emotional testament to the difficulties of mining work.
Oral History with Albert Moon
Albert Moon was born in Lafayette in 1890. He worked in the mines and then worked in the fields when the mines were closed. He worked in the mines for 23 years. Lafayette was a lot smaller when Albert was growing up, but he remembers there was still plenty to do. There were sports and other activities children did to keep occupied. He attended school in a back room of a store. He remembers the first car arriving in Lafayette and his first car. Lastly, he recalls how streets got their names. Most of them he doesn’t remember, but others were named after residents.
Oral History with Albert Moon
Albert Moon was born in Lafayette in 1890. He worked in the mines and then worked in the fields when the mines were closed. He worked in the mines for 23 years. Lafayette was a lot smaller when Albert was growing up, but he remembers there was still plenty to do. There were sports and other activities children did to keep occupied. He attended school in a back room of a store. He remembers the first car arriving in Lafayette and his first car. Lastly, he recalls how streets got their names. Most of them he doesn’t remember, but others were named after residents.
Oral History with Andy Borrego
Andy Borrego recalled the physical landscape and social climate of Lafayette in his 1983 oral history interview. He first describes many businesses of Lafayette and their place in the community. The majority of his interview focuses on his career as a miner. He worked in many mines, including the Standard in 1931. He recalls multiple labor strikes and how the mining union influenced conditions and wages. He specifically reflects on the growing importance of unions to many miners throughout Colorado. Borrego was also present at the Columbine Incident in 1927 recalls his experiences before, during, and after the event.
Oral History with Anna Barrowman
Anna Barrowman was born at Brookside, Colorado on April 17, 1896. Her family came to Lafayette in 1906. She spoke of her family – her mother who came from Bristol, England and her father, a miner, who was born in Prussia, Germany, a brother, and one younger sister. Her meeting her husband, Bill (William H. Barrowman and of the farm on which they lived until they moved to town. Anna provided interesting information on farming in Lafayette, the stagecoach that came to town, town grocery stores and other merchants, churches, miner’s strikes, the flood, and the old school.
Oral History with Aufelda Alderson
Aufelda Alderson discusses how her family came to Lafayette, CO when she was two months old. She recalls the mining strikes and the effect they had on the town and its people. Aufelda also discusses childhood in Lafayette and what life was like as an adult.
Oral History with Bert Pierson
Bert Pierson’s oral history interview, conducted on June 17th, 1986, discusses the physical and social transformation of Lafayette, Colorado through the twentieth century. After moving to the area with his wife in 1909, Bert often struggled to find work amid the Great Depression and post-World War 2 period, until he eventually found steady employment with the Columbine mine loading coal. Bert also describes how residents of Lafayette made their own entertainment and formed new businesses as the town grew.
Oral History with Bertha McKeehan & Bill Moon
Bertha McKeehan and the Moons look at photos and identify people and places. They discuss Lafayette families and how they are connected to each other. They also discuss some lore of the town such as the debate of who the first boy born in Lafayette was. Bertha McKeehan and Bill Moon recall the businesses and homes of early Lafayette and some of the residents. They mention different social events such as plays and fraternity societies. The main focus is identifying where different houses and buildings used to stand and who lived there.
Oral History with Bertha McKeehan and Bill Moon
Bertha McKeehan and Bill Moon recall the businesses and homes of early Lafayette and some of the residents. They mention different social events such as plays and fraternity societies. The main focus is identifying where different houses and buildings used to stand and who lived there. McKeehan and Moon look at photos and identify people and places. They discuss Lafayette families and how they are connected to each other. They also discuss some lore of the town such as the debate of the identity of the first boy born in Lafayette.
Oral History with Blanche Moon
Blanche Moon's family came to Lafayette in 1941.
