Oral Histories from Issue #14, Spring 1981
Issue #12, Fall 1980 - Doc Utterback Interview, Part 1
In this interview with Bill McKelvie and Mari Jo Hoaglund John Abner "Doc" Utterback Jr. describes his life growing up in Routt County and voices his opinions on a variety of topics including changing values, music, and education.
Issue #12, Fall 1980 - Doc Utterback Interview, Part 2
John Abner "Doc" Utterback Jr. describes his military experience primarily as a veterinarian and medical team member during WWII. He was stationed in Europe during the war and remained after the war as part of a medical rehabilitation team in Germany. He also tells interviewer Mary Jo Hoaglund about his veterinary practice after the war.
Issue #12, Fall 1980 - Doc Utterback Interview, Part 3
John Abner "Doc" Utterback Jr. describes his life growing up in Routt County and voices his opinions on a variety of topics including changing values, music, education, and community development in Routt County in this interview with Mari Jo Hoaglund and Bill McKelvie.
Issue #14, Spring 1981 - Dale Bostock Interview
In this interview Dale Bostock recalls experiences and events from the historic Routt County town of McGregor and nearby mining communities.
Note: Interviewee refers to the Wadge Mine explosion, in error, as the Ridgemont Mine explosion.
Issue #14, Spring 1981 - Doc Utterback Interview
In this interview John Abner "Doc" Utterback describes the history of the coal mine and town at McGregor in Routt County, Colorado. He includes details about the social life and schools in that early company town.