Oral Histories from Issue #20, Spring 1985

Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Albert Hitchens Interview
In this interview Albert Hitchens describes the 1884 origins of the Hitchens family ranch and life as part of a ranching family. The Hitchens are the longest continuous ranching family in Routt County. The family operated the post office in Pool, Colorado and later in Milner, Colorado.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Bob Wither Interview
Bob Wither is interviewed by Bill McKelvie and Rod Herman about his memories of the railroad that provided passenger and freight service to Routt County, Colorado.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Dorothy Wither Interview
Dorothy Wither is interviewed by Bill McKelvie about her memories of the railroad that provided passenger and freight service to Routt County, Colorado.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Errold Hitchens Interview
In this interview with Bill McKelvie, Errold Hitchens talks about his experiences growing up on the Hitchens ranch, and memories of his father. Errold explains the economics of the cattle ranching business and expresses his worries about the U.S. economy in 1985.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Eunice Dorr Interview
In this interview with Michelle Clark, Mary Rose, and Marian "Sam" Marti, Eunice Door describes her role as a bookkeeper and office manager in the early days of the Yampa Valley Electric Association. She talks about how the arrival of electric power affected the lives of residents of Routt County.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Hazel Henson Interview
Hazel Henson is interviewed by Gary O'Dell and Darin O'Dell about her life growing up in South Routt County in the early twentieth century.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - John Fetcher Interview, Part 1
In this interview with Tommy Sharp and Bill McKelvie, John Fetcher describes his early life and education and his involvement in munitions manufacturing during World War II. After the war John and his family purchased a ranch in Routt County and learned about the reality of the cattle business.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - John Fetcher Interview, Part 2
In this interview with Tommy Sharp and Bill McKelvie, John Fetcher talks about his experiences as an Elk River Valley cattle rancher and describes his part in the establishment of the Steamboat ski area.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Roger Butler Interview, Part 1
In this interview with Bill McKelvie, Troy Keller and Kent Fletcher, Roger Butler describes his experiences growing up in Routt County and the time he spent in the United States Army during World War II. He mentions how he went AWOL numerous times without getting caught and his participation in the campaign in Italy during World War II. Roger also talks about some of his hunting and fishing experiences in Routt County.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Roger Butler Interview, Part 2
In this interview with Bill McKelvie, Troy Keller and Kent Fletcher, Roger and Isabelle Butler describe their experiences in the fire lookout station on Hahns Peak. Roger also talks about the Black Mountain Guest Ranch that is located near McCoy on the homestead property that belonged to his mother's family.
Issue #20, Spring 1985 - Vernon Summer Interview
Vernon Summer is interviewed by Bill McKelvie and Rod Herman about his memories of the railroad that provided passenger and freight service to Routt County, Colorado.