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Three Wire Winter Oral History and Magazine Collections
Issue #04, Winter 1977 - Three Wire Winter Collection
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Part of: Issue #04, Winter 1977 - Three Wire Winter Magazine (12 objects)
Front Matter
Ski Band
"Sometimes you'd do anything for a little money." Ralph Belton
"A person paints the way she feels," says Ellen Winchell
Josephine Yoast
The Old Country vs the New Country
Joe Blanford "I don't think I'd ever want to live any other place"
"I brought the last mail into Steamboat from Yampa on the stage. That was the last time I took the stage to Yampa."
Clay Monson
Routes of Routt
End Matter
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Elliott Bayly discusses the KFMU radio station and the wind power running it.
In collections
Issue #04, Winter 1977 - Three Wire Winter Collection
KFMU: Music from the Wind
Public radio -- United States., Radio broadcasting -- United States., Wind power., Wind energy conversion systems., Disc jockeys
Elliott Bayly discusses the KFMU radio station and the wind power running it.
pages 11-14, Issue #04, Winter 1977
localorganization:14Tread of Pioneers MuseumLEGAL RELEASE FOR ORAL HISTORIES RELEASE OF TAPES OF ORAL HISTORY PROJECT INTERVIEW TO THE TREAD OF PIONEERS MUSEUM Date of Recording Approx. 1975-1987 I,Bill McKelvie, do hereby grant to the Tread of Pioneers Museum copyright to all materials related to the oral history interviews that I oversaw as part of the Steamboat Springs High School’s magazine and oral history project, Three Wire Winter. It is agreed that access to the tape recording(s) and edited transcript shall be available to qualified researchers under library use policy. I authorize the museum to edit, publish, and license the use of these oral history memoirs in any manner that the museum considers appropriate, and I waive claim to royalties that may be received as a consequence thereof by the museum. Description of material: Taper recording(s) and transcript resulting from approximately 230 oral history session(s) conducted approximately between 1975-1987. -------------------------------------------------- DEED OF GIFT Name of Signer: Bill McKelvie (Steamboat Springs High School teacher in charge of the class and project) (referred to as "Grantor" whether one or more): Preferred name or language for the object donation credit in exhibit and collection files: Three Wire Winter Oral History and Magazine Project Mailing address: Bill McKelvie PO Box 770664 Steamboat Springs, CO 80477 Telephone: 970-879-2854 Description of the Gift (the "Property") --Three Wire Winter Oral History and Magazine Project materials including (but not limited to) -----Oral history cassette tapes (approximately 230 interviews/tapes) -----Full collection of magazines, 24 total issues, two sets -----Support materials including (but not limited to) student notes, correspondence, curriculum notes, and a class scrapbook -----Photographs and slides taken by students. Grantor, being the sole legal owner(s) of the Property, does irrevocably and unconditionally give and convey to the Tread of Pioneers Historical Commission, a Colorado nonprofit corporation ("Grantee"), its successors and assigns, for its sole use and benefit without restriction as to use or disposition, the Property together with all rights, copyrights, and interests in or related to the Property. The Grantor for himself/herself, his/her heirs and personal representatives, does covenant and agree with the Grantee, its successors and assigns that at the time of the execution of this instrument he/she is the sole owner of the Property and has full power and lawful authority to give and convey the same in the manner and form provided under this instrument and the Property is free and clear from all other grants, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restriction of whatever kind or nature. I(we) have no objections to my (our) name(s) appearing as donor(s) in connection with the Property in Museum records, publication, and other descriptions. Grantor acknowledges that by means of this instrument, Grantor relinquishes all control over the Property and that it may be used, stored, displayed, reproduced and dealt with in any manner that the Grantee may determine to be appropriate.2015-01-20Englishorganization:14Tread of Pioneers Museum